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Joint FUIB network demonstrates the high quality of service

08 July 2015
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Independent research company 4Service confirmed the high quality of service of the First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB). Results of the study "Secret buyer" - customer satisfaction index with regard to service quality in the joint network amounted to 90.8%, which exceeds a similar indicator before the merger of retail networks of FUIB and Renaissance Credit bank.

«Soon signboards will be changed on the branches of Renaissance Credit bank throughout Ukraine – FUIB logo will appear there. At the same time, our clients will not even feel the difference in service quality. We will offer all customers high service quality. To achieve this, we have developed a range of measures, which included unification of product lines, development of unified service standards and their implementation, integration of the IT infrastructure, as well as training of management teams that work directly with customers," Serhiy Chernenko, FUIB's chairman of Board, noted.

The study "Secret Buyer" covered all 156 FUIB branches throughout Ukraine, 38 of which had previously belonged to the Renaissance Credit bank network.

"Secret Buyer" is an index, which includes the objective and subjective assessment of the level of service provision in the retail network. The objective index reflects compliance with service standards established in the bank, the subjective index reflects customer experience after visiting a bank branch.

We remind you that the legal merger of banks FUIB and Renaissance Credit took place on March 14, 2015, whereas the operational merger will be completed by the end of 2015.


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