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Sustainable development

For more than 33 years, FUIB has been conducting business responsibly, investing part of the profits not only in the development of the bank and in staff training, improving the quality of products and services for clients, but also in developing the business environment, increasing the financial literacy of the population and strengthening of positive social impact.

Contacts of CSR sector
[email protected]

Key tasks of FUIB in the field of sustainable development

Act systemically. The concept of sustainable development is integrated into business strategy and is taken into account when planning and implementing all our projects.

Work efficiently. We are using modern approaches to doing business, are constantly improving processes and methods of doing business, are efficiently using resources and are looking for new opportunities for business development, minimizing the use of exhaustible resources.

Respect the interests of partners, customers and the society in general. We respect the interests of partners, customers and the society in general and build relationships with them on the basis of principles of decency, honesty, openness and mutual trust.

Provide decent and safe working conditions. We acknowledge employees as the most important asset and provide safe working conditions, decent level of wages and social benefits for them.

Respect human rights. We respect and observe human rights and freedoms and do not accept discrimination.

Improve the quality of life in the presence regions. We are a responsible corporate citizen and invest in the improvement of quality of life in the presence regions, and promote sustainable development of Ukraine.

Strive for prevention and reduction of environmental impact. We strive for continuous reduction of our negative environmental impact and carry out responsible financing.

Strategy for sustainable development is the basis for the business growth

In December 2023, the Bank adopted the “Sustainable Development Declaration of JSC “FUIB”, which defined the strategic goals, principles and organisational structure of the bank’s sustainable development. The key priorities of FUIB are the welfare and development of employees, quality of products and services, development of local communities and business environment, minimization of negative impact on the environment, and financial literacy of the population. 

The Bank supports the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and implements them in its operations by integrating these goals into three main components: environmental, social and governance (ESG).

In December 2023, FUIB approved the “FUIB’s Sustainable Development Strategy for 5 years”, which is aimed at: 

  • promoting the comprehensive development of the bank as a sustainable business that is fully aware of its responsibility to all stakeholders;
  • complying with the legislation of Ukraine in the field of sustainable development;
  • ensuring a unified approach to the management of the environmental and social management system;
  • preventing and minimizing negative impact on the environment in terms of responsible consumption;
  • ensuring open and transparent communication on sustainable development issues.

In its Strategy, FUIB has consolidated its aspirations to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals by setting 10 main objectives and 31 qualitative indicators for measuring the achievement of these objectives for 2024.  

In 2024, FUIB will measure the achievement of the goals through regular monitoring of ESG indicators.  

FUIB has appointed members of the Management Board responsible for the areas of sustainable development: human rights; labour law/decent work; environment; combating corruption. 

2023 was a year of hardening, a confirmation of professionalism and demonstration of team unity. FUIB managed to maintain its leading position in the market by all key indicators. In 2023, FUIB focused on the digitalisation of its own products. FUIB invested UAH 649 million in the development of Digital direction, and another UAH 421 million in the stability and security of the IT infrastructure: software, servers, new licences, and network equipment. This allowed us to increase the share of digital customers to 60% (+20%) over the year. FUIB also moved its data centre to Europe to ensure the stability of its services. In addition, generators were installed in the data centre, in branches and offices.  

According to the CBR research company, the level of trust in the FUIB brand has increased:  the bank significantly improved its position, rising from 6th place to 4th in 2023. Ukrainians have marked FUIB as a bank they trust and are ready to cooperate with. Also, according to the results of an external study of customer loyalty by InMind, FUIB is among the TOP 3 market leaders in terms of NPS.  

At the moment, FUIB exceeds the NBU’s liquidity ratios by 2 times and capital adequacy ratios by 2.5 times. This underlines FUIB’s financial stability and readiness to overcome new challenges.  

In 2023, funding for social initiatives reached over UAH 243.9 million. The main efforts were made to support employees and customers, defenders, business and the state, help the wounded and promote blood donation. 

FUIB is a systemically important bank of Ukraine, authorized to store cash of the National Bank of Ukraine, a reliable partner for customers, individuals and companies. Even in times of war, the bank fully fulfils its obligations to partners, customers, employees and the state; it supports its stakeholders in difficult times. FUIB maintains a balance of sustainable development of business, team and society.

