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​FUIB supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly. Respects and observes human rights and freedoms without any discrimination, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, age, place of residence, religion and political beliefs.

In 2022, we updated FUIB's ​ Code of Corporate Ethics. in particular, we made changes to reject collaborationism and any actions or inactions that contribute to or may be regarded as cooperation with the aggressor state. In 2023, FUIB’s Code of Corporate Ethics was updated, added the basic principles of sustainable development. FUIB is committed to promoting environmentally healthy and sustainable development of society. The Bank recognizes that environmental and social sustainability is a key aspect for achieving high performance. In its activities, the Bank adheres to the principles of sustainable development ESG: responsible attitude to the environment (E – environment); social responsibility (S – social); high-quality corporate governance (G – governance).

The Code is the basis for building relationships with each other, our partners, competitors, customers and Ukrainian society as a whole. The Code, among other things, contains provisions on respect for the individual and observance of human rights.

Code of Corporate Ethics of FUIB for 2024

​Since March 2014, FUIB has joined the project “Trust”, the purpose of which is to promote and strengthen the rules and standards of business ethics in all companies of SCM. Trust line is a single direct feedback channel, through which every employee may report violations of the Code of Corporate Ethics of SCM companies, including FUIB.

In case of detecting corporate violations at FUIB, employees contact the Compliance Control Division of bank or call the Trust line.

In 2023, the Hotline received 20 calls (which is 0.29 calls per 100 employees of the bank as of 01.01.2024), of which 15 reports were not confirmed. The vast majority of cases are related to possible violations of HR policies and procedures – 8 reports, of which 6 were not confirmed. All cases were reviewed and resolved in a timely manner, and no repeat complaints or appeals were received.


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