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Narodniy Bankir

Many Ukrainians believe that a bank is difficult. Make sure that the bank is simple, convenient and affordable to everyone with the “Narodniy Bankir” project from PUMB!

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JustMoney: debit card – an indispensable helper of a modern man

13 September 2019
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JustMoney: debit card – an indispensable helper of a modern man

It’s hard to imagine everyday life without the benefits of civilization, to which we are accustomed and take for granted – electricity, the Internet, mobile communications, and a bank card. Probably, each of us has already had several cards of different banks – received salaries, social assistance or credit funds on the card. Did you use all the card features? "Narodniy Bankir" will help you to consider the most important of them.

Types of cards: which one do you need?

Two fundamentally different types of cards – debit and credit. In the first case, a bank account and a card to it are intended for using your own funds: they can be deposited, withdrawn, settled in stores or on the Internet, transferred to other cards. In the second case, you use the funds of the bank.

If you do not need credit funds for a certain period of your life, then probably no one can do without a debit card, which is convenient for using in everyday life. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the offers of banks on the drawing up of cards. So, a debit card can be with a paid or free replenishment, with a fee for withdrawing cash or without it, with an additional payment for transfers or its absence.

You can find more interesting offers. Recently PUMB has designed a card with which everything is simple and profitable – “vseKARTA”! Getting a card and operations in hryvnia – WITHOUT FEE:

  • card replenishment;
  • cash withdrawal at any ATM in Ukraine;
  • crediting salaries or pensions;
  • card payments in stores, cinema, public transport, on the Internet.

And if you use the mobile application or PUMB Online Internet-banking – WITHOUT FEE, the following operations are available:

  • transfer of funds to a card of another bank of Ukraine;
  • payment for utilities (the fee of a separate supplier is possible), mobile communications.

All the necessary operations for a modern person with “vseKARTA” can be carried out without constantly thinking about the bank fee for a particular service.

What you need to get a card

Opening a card account in modern banks is quick, with a minimum set of documents: passport and TIN. So, the registration of “vseKARTA” in a branch takes up to 20 minutes.. Так, оформлення «всеКАРТИ» у відділенні займає  до 20 хвилин.

To take full advantage of “vseKARTA”, add it to your mobile application:

Журнал «Народний банкір» №11/2019

Step 1
Download PUMB Online on your smartphone: find the application on the App Store or Google Play Market, or scan the QR code.

Step 2

Enter the phone number (login) and password for PUMB Online, on which the bank will send you an SMS.

Step 3
In the "Cards and accounts" section, select a card, go to the settings and click the "Activate card" button.

Step 4
Follow the step-by-step instructions and receive the card’s PIN code in SMS to the number that you provided to the bank as your primary phone number. If desired, you can change the PIN code of the card in the application.

You are your own boss

Every day we deal with cashless payments: we make regular payments, transfer funds to parents or children, pay by card abroad, get a salary or other income. And if a few years ago the financial personal account was not an obligatory attribute of life for most of us, today you can’t do without such “bank in the pocket”! Most leading banks have improved this service. So, “included” with the card, customers receive the most functional assistant that organizes their financial life. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere in the world you can carry out all financial transactions in the bank’s mobile application or its online banking.

«Bank in the pocket» allows:

  • control: the card balance;
  • track the history of operations: how much money you have received on the card or when and how much you have spent;
  • block or activate the card;
  • remind or change the PIN code of the card;
  • independently block or unblock online payment options;
  • set a limit on the number of transactions per day and the withdrawal amount;
  • establish the ability to conduct operations abroad and other settings;
  • create templates for convenient transfers by card or account number, utility bills, mobile communications;
  • add cards from other banks to transfer funds between cards, pay on loans and much more.

You need only a telephone

Modern technology even allows you to avoid carrying the card with you. The only thing you need is a telephone. It will help you to pay in supermarkets, transport, shopping, and entertainment centers.

By downloading the Google Pay or Apple Pay mobile applications and adding your card, you will always be able to pay at any time. You can add a card to Apple Pay in a few clicks by selecting the card settings in the PUMB Online application.

Everything is easy with «vseKARTA»!

"Interesting" block insert

How and when the first debit card was born

First, credit cards spread, the prototype of which was cards created in 1949 in the USA by Diners Club. But the debit card, on which own funds became available to the client, appeared later, in 1974 the first such card to the current account was issued by a small American Arizona Bank. The magnetic stripe on bank cards appeared in the 1960s, and chips – only in the 1990s. In 1991, Mastercard and Eurocard launched the first worldwide debit card, Maestro.

In the life of Ukrainians, debit cards entered through salary projects. Most likely, in your life the first bank card appeared to receive a salary. Today, more and more often, debit cards are opened for managing your own funds, which you deposit yourself, or receive various receipts.

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