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The winners of the "Transfers with Visa (iPhone 14)" promo have been determined

07 September 2023
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From 16.06.2023 to 31.08.2023, FUIB, together with Visa, held the “Transfers from Visa (iPhone 14)” promo (hereinafter referred to as the Promo), the main prize of which was a drawing of 3 (three) iPhone 14.

To take part in the drawing, you had to make 10 money transfers by phone in the FUIB Online mobile application during the Promo.

Among 1,500 participants who fulfilled the conditions using the service, 3 (three) winners were determined. We are happy to congratulate:

  • Білоконь Н.
  • Корпало Ю.
  • Гичка Ю.

Shortly, the winners will be contacted by the Bank's employees at the phone number specified in FUIB Online to agree on all the details of receiving the gift.

If one of the winners cannot be contacted, the right to receive the gift passes to the following listed reserve winner:

  • Марчевський С.
  • Даниленко В.
  • Дегтяр Ю.

Follow the news on the website and notifications in FUIB Online. There are still many exciting promos and offers ahead.

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