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Get cash rewards for recommending your friends to open "vseMOZHU Online" or "vseKARTA" cards

14 September 2022
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Since September, by participating in the "Invite a friend" Promo, you can recommend to your friends who are not FUIB customers to open a "vseKARTA" debit card in hryvnia or a "vseMOZHU Online" credit card to choose from. For each such issued card, you and your friend will each receive a cash reward*.

It's easy to take part in the Promo:

1. Recommend a friend to open "vseMOZHU Online" or "vseKARTA" in hryvnia for free. To do this, in the "More" tab of the FUIB Online mobile application, select the "Invite a friend" menu item and send the invitation generated in this section via a convenient messenger to the chosen friend who is not a customer of the Bank.
You can also copy the invitation with the link and post it in the public domain on social networks so that more of your friends learn about the opportunity to receive a reward by becoming a customer of the Bank when opening a card in FUIB.

2. To receive a reward, within 35 calendar days from the moment the card was opened by invitation, it is necessary to pay from 100 UAH for goods or services. The payment can be made, among other things, for paying utility bills or topping up a mobile phone using FUIB Online.

You can invite an unlimited number of friends who are not FUIB customers to participate in the Promo and receive rewards for each of them.

At the moment, it is possible to open a "vseMOZHU Online" credit card by invitation only for users of phones with the iOS operating system. In the Android operating system, this feature will be available in the near future.

* Taxes and fees for 19.5% are withheld from the reward amount.

Official rules of the Promo

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