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The promo – Samsung 49` TV or Samsung Galaxy S8 for payments by Visa cards

18 April 2018
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Pay by Visa cards from FUIB and win a Samsung 49` TV or Samsung Galaxy S8. You choose a gift!

It is very easy to participate:

  • Register any of your Visa cards from FUIB on All the other your Visa cards from FUIB automatically participate in the promo.
  • Choose the desired gift – TV or smartphone.
  • Pay by any Visa card from FUIB in the amount from 20 UAH to increase the chances of winning.

The main prizes drawing – every 2 weeks. And also there is a weekly drawing of useful gifts:  rugs for a picnic, bags-refrigerators and a grill-barbecue. The winners are determined by random selection on

The promo is valid from April 23 until June 03, 2018.

The official promo Rules

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