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Invested Wisely. Deposits (Vlast Deneg)

09 June 2012
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The banks add to their deposit lines the deposits with increasing profitability. The banks introduce the deposits with increasing profitability, as such deposits let them increase the average period of individual deposits, while they remain beneficial for the financial institutions. The increased interest is paid only for the last month of the deposit period, whereas the average weighted rates remain at the level of 14-17% per annum. Maxim Mironenko, Head of Retail Products Development Department of FUIB considers that other promotion deposits will be launched in summer, but their volumes will be lower than in the middle of the spring. In the opinion of the expert, the privileged terms of new programmes will include the attraction of deposits in all currencies, though some players can focus on deposits in hryvnias.

By: Tatyana Krivolapchuck

Full article is available in “Vlast Deneg” weekly No 22 dd. 01.06.12

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