The "Bonus to deposits" promo from PUMB bank

First Ukrainian International Bank (PUMB) has joined the “Bonus to deposits” promo on the financial portal of “Minfin” and “” from June 25.
Those who wish to draw up “Dohidniy” deposit at PUMB bank are able to take part in the promo and receive an additional remuneration, up to +0.7% per annum of the deposit amount from June 25.
To participate in the promo you need:
1. Fill out and submit an application on one of the websites:;
2. Draw up a new (re-issued deposits do not participate in the promo) "Dohidniy" and "Accumulative" deposit in the amount of 30 000 UAH and for a period of 6 months within 30 days, from the moment of filing the application.
3. Confirm the fact of drawing up a deposit in a special form on the portal website.
4. Receive the remuneration from Minfin portal within 32 days.
The rules of the “Bonus to deposits” promo are available at the link:
The detailed information: the hotline of MinFin portal - (044) 392 47 40
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