Participate in the promo from Mastercard and PUMB and win a family trip to Disneyland!

Do you use Mastercard from PUMB? You have the chance to win a family trip for 4 to Disneyland in Paris to celebrate the 90th anniversary of a legendary Mickey Mouse!
One of the PUMB clients, registered for participation in the promo, is guaranteed to win the trip!
To participate in the promo:
- register the cards of Mastercard from PUMB one time on program webpage
- order participation in the promo in the catalog for 0 points
- use the card of Mastercard actively – make payments by your card through POS or on the Internet from 50 UAH, pay for the public transportation (Kyiv Metro, high-speed tram, funicular) or make payments through Masterpass.
In addition to the main prize, you will be expected the drawing of cool incentive prizes – T-shirts, hoodies, baseball caps, travel cups and bags.
More transactions - more chances to win!
The promo is valid till November 10, 2018.
The promo details are on webpage.
The promo rules of Mastercard and FUIB
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