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The Promo «5% cash back of the purchases amount by a credit card»

13 July 2017
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You have received a message from the Bank? Congratulations, you are invited to participate in the Promo! For each purchase with a credit card from FUIB in the corresponding stage of the Promo you can get a pleasant bonus – a return of up to 5% of the purchase amount.

To get a bonus, you need to pay by a credit card for purchases or services in the trade-service network and the Internet with help of credit funds. For each purchase made during the corresponding stage of the Promo, you will receive 5% of the purchase amount.

Crediting of the reward to your card account is accrued at the end of the corresponding stage of the Promo.

Stages of the Promo:

  • Stage 1 – from 13.07.2017 till 13.08.2017, inclusive
  • Stage 2 – from 14.08.2017 till 14.09. 2017, inclusive
  • Stage 3 – from 15.09.2017 till 15.10.2017, inclusive

The maximum amount of reward that can be paid to the participant of the Promo for the corresponding stage is 150 UAH (one hundred and fifty UAH).

Get bonuses for purchases with FUIB!

 Official rules of the promo

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