Victims of progress

With the development of new technologies in account management, even the loss of a mobile phone can lead to the loss of money from the card
Over the last three years, the volume of banking transactions conducted via the Internet in Ukraine has increased five times. The cyber fraudsters, who are primarily interested in the companies' money also do not lag behind. "About 280 cases of hacking banking systems were recorded last year alone, as a result of which 87 million UAH was stolen from the accounts of Ukrainian enterprises," said Olexiy Volchkov, FUIB's deputy chairman of the board. In order to minimize the risks it is recommended to adhere to the basic rules of security.
It also doesn't hurt for the entrepreneurs to take care of the security of personal funds. Any cardholder should know that an intruder does not need to know the PIN-code or even hold "plastic" in his hands in order to steal money from it. To access the money, it is enough to take a picture of the card from both sides. This will allow you to get access to three important details at once: 16-digit card number, its expiration date (located on the front side) and the three-digit CW2-or CVC-code marked on the back of the plastic. The information obtained is enough not only to make payments with such a card on the Internet, but also to transfer funds from it to any other bank card. The card can be "spotted", or, as the bankers say, "be compromised", for example, in a restaurant when it is passed to the waiter for payment.
The reason for stealing money from card accounts may also be the loss of a mobile phone, to which payment cards are "bound". The fact is that some banks offer the opportunity to perform transactions with the account directly from the "mobile", with the use of sms. The example of such a transaction can be the replenishment of a cell phone number using the funds from the bank card. This transaction usually becomes regular, so in order not to type a corresponding sms every time, it is convenient to save it in the templates. If such a telephone falls into intruders' hands, they can easily transfer funds "to the right place", even without holding the card in their hands.
Bankers separate a new type of fraud called "social engineering”. The example is fundraising with a help of cards for the treatment or help for fighters involved in the antiterrorist operation. It is natural that in this case the card number, name and the mobile phone of the recipient become public domain. At the same time, such a client becomes an attractive target for intruders. Now the following scenario is played out: an intruder calls under the guise of another "patron" and says that he has sent the money, but in order for it to be credited, the recipient must enter the provided number at the ATM and it will unlock the funds to be credited to the recipient's card. Blind adherence to such an instruction leads to the fact that instead of receiving the money the victim of fraud makes a transfer to the intruders with his own hands. To avoid similar discomfitures it will not hurt to follow simple recommendations.
Source: Business
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