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What criteria guide the choice of banks when choosing partner insurance companies?

14 November 2013
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According to which parameters do banks choose insurance companies to work with? What information about the company is studied by the bank when making the decision about accreditation? Experts were asked these questions by

Volodymyr Yashchenko, head of Mortgage Lending Department of First Ukrainian International Bank

Banks carefully analyze the work of insurance companies and regularly analyze key indicators of their activity. On the basis of their own internal evaluation techniques, taking into account the existing experience, banks build a model of effective collaboration and accreditation of insurance companies. In addition, each of the parties, in particular, the client, can be sure that his or her obligations, property and health are protected.

For the purpose of accreditation of the insurance company must provide to our bank documents, a list of which is published on our website and consists of 16 options. They include: legal documents, financial statements, auditor's report, the information about the shareholders and the management of the company. Our bank is also studies the information on the largest interests insured, which accounts for the largest amount of liability of the company.

Source: portal Prosto Bank


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