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Network Advancement (InvestGazeta)

04 December 2012
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Check in on the map

Another way towards communication with the consumer through a smartphone is geolocation. Foursquare social network gives its users the possibility to pin the venues they visit and publish the relevant messages in Twitter and Facebook. This service is popular all over the world, at present it is used by over 2 million persons, of which only 30 thousand are Ukrainians, though over two years its popularity grew by 200%, which ensured the interest on the part of marketing experts. FUIB pinned on the map of the service the locations of all its 160 outlets, having promised to reward their visitors with prizes. Over nine months more than 800 users 3500 times pinned the bank’s outlets as the venues they visited, which is quite a promising activity index for the establishment which people hardly visit day-by-day.

Source: InvestGazeta No 40 dd. 15 October 2012


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