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FUIB’s Supervisory Board Appoints Tomasz Wisniewski Deputy Chairman of the Management Board
09 June 2012
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The Supervisory Board of First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) has appointed Tomasz Wisniewski the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board responsible for operations – Chief Operations Officer (COO) beginning from 6 February 2012. The office of the COO was introduced at the Bank to enhance its operations performance.

At FUIB Mr Wisniewski will be in charge of the Bank’s IT and operations.

“FUIB is consistently implementing its strategy towards leadership in the domestic banking – efficient, sustainable and technologically advanced No 1 bank. And a chief operations officer is a key facilitator to this goal”, says Konstantin Vaysman, Chairman of the Management Board. “That is why we welcome Mr Wisniewski to the Bank’s top management team as the COO with his valuable experience of successful complex projects in banking.”

“My goal is to contribute to the FUIB’s sustainable development through the efficient and smooth business operations supporting the Bank’s systematic business growth,” says Tomasz Wisniewski.

Tomasz Wisniewski holds a master’s degree in economics from University of Commerce and Law (Warsaw) and has an over a dozen-year experience in business operations, eight of those in banking. For four previous years he has been with Renaissance Credit Bank as the Director of Operations; and previously to that, with Sygma Bank Poland (BNP Paribas Group).


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