Invite friends and get rewards from FUIB up to 100* UAH each

We remind you about the referral program from FUIB – bank customers can receive cash rewards for recommending friends to open a vseMOZHU Online credit card or a vseKARTA debit card for their funds.
How can I get a reward?
- In the "More" tab of the FUIB Online mobile application, select the "Invite a friend" menu item and send the generated invitation via messenger to a friend who is not a bank customer. Also, the invitation can be copied and posted in the public domain on social networks.
- To receive a reward within 35 calendar days from the date of opening the card by invitation, it is necessary to make a payment of 100 UAH for goods or services. The payment can be made, including for paying utility bills or topping up a mobile phone using FUIB Online.
You can invite an unlimited number of friends who are not FUIB customers and receive rewards for each of them.
Read more about the referral program from FUIB at the link.
For more than 30 years, FUIB has been trusted by both Ukrainians (according to the results of 10 months of 2022, 81% of FUIB customers consistently renew their hryvnia deposits) and the state (FUIB is the agent bank of the Deposit Guarantee Fund. During 10 months of 2022, FUIB paid more than 691 UAH million to depositors of bankrupt banks).
A nice bonus for new FUIB customers, credit and debit card holders will be cashback from the bank** with the opportunity to choose different profitable categories every month so that everyone can choose what suits their personal needs. Among them are the categories of utility payments, urban transport, and others. We also remind you that in addition to cashback from the bank, FUIB customers have access to offers from the partners.**
Cashback is available to holders of active credit and debit cards of FUIB in national and foreign currencies.
*The reward amount for the Promo "Invite a friend" is 100 UAH for each participant for opening and activating the "vseMOZHU Online" credit card or 50 UAH for each participant for opening and activating the "vseKARTA" debit card. Taxes and fees in the amount of 19.5% are withheld from the reward amount.
**Cashback conditions are personal and may differ for bank customers.
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