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FUIB clients from Lviv region obtained access to additional interest compensation on issued loans

30 September 2021
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The First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) signed a joint program with the Entrepreneurship Development Fund and the Lviv Regional State Administration on additional compensation to the bank's clients for interest on investment loans provided under the "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%" state support program.

Additional compensation will help reduce the percentage of credit liabilities to 0% for those clients who have made investments and created jobs in the Lviv region in accordance with the terms of the joint "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%" program.

The initiative aims to expand opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses, support regional business development, in particular to increase production, exports and import substitution, innovate and create jobs and enterprises in the regions to return migrant workers to the regions of Ukraine.

We would like to remind that the "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%" state program was launched at the initiative of the President of Ukraine and the Prime Minister of Ukraine in order to facilitate access of micro and small businesses to bank lending. FUIB ranks second among the most active banks participating in the program, and the amount of funds issued to support entrepreneurship is UAH 6.8 billion.




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