FUIB is in the TOP-20 companies that care

Editors of the “Vlast Deneg” business publication chose the “Top 20 Companies That Care.” They considered companies that were the leaders in their industries.
FUIB was included in the rating for the implementation of educational programs aimed at the increase of the level of financial literacy of the population and assistance to the younger generation in choosing a profession, as well as for projects aimed at the development of business environment.
The rating “Top 20 Companies That Care” includes companies with CSR programs that are implemented in Ukraine and provide for a variety of actions aimed at the improvement of the Ukrainian society, as well as provision of assistance and support for its citizens. These are also programs that allow one to better fulfill the creative and entrepreneurial potential of Ukrainian citizens. When compiling the rating, data from various open sources, media reports, and opinions of industry experts were taken into account.
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