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Working hours of FUIB branches during New Year and Christmas holidays

26 December 2018
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In accordance with the approved calendar of days off for 2018-2019, we would like to inform you about the working hours of FUIB branches from December 27, 2018 to January 8, 2019: 

December 27-28, 2018, Thursday-Friday – standard working hours;

December 29, 2018*, Saturday – standard working day, shortened by 1 hour;

December 24-25, 2018; December 12, 2018 – January 01, 2019 – days off;

January 02, 2019, Wednesday – work without providing services for clients;

January 03-04, 2019, Thursday-Friday – standard working hours;

January 05*-07, 2019, Saturday-Monday, – days off;
from January 08, 2019, Tuesday – standard working hours;
* on December 29, 2018 and January 05, 2019, branches that are open on Saturdays will operate according to standard working hours.



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