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FUIB increases the deposit period

01 October 2018
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From October 1, there is a new term - 18 months - for the deposits "Dohidniy" and "Deposit Constructor" from the First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB).

18 months is the maximum term for the deposits "Dohidniy" and "Deposit constructor". Depending on the needs, clients may choose smaller periods - 12, 9, 6, 3, and 1 month for the "Dohidniy" deposit and any number of days for the "Deposit Constructor". You can familiarize yourself with the conditions for getting a deposit issued on the bank's website.

In case of the "Dohidniy" deposit, regardless of the deposit period, an auto-prolongation option is available, which you can use on your own either in PUMB-Online Internet banking or by visiting a bank branch.

"Over the past 2 years, there has been a steady tendency towards the increase in the average term of a deposit portfolio. FUIB is trying to meet customers' needs and is expanding its range of available terms. You can get a deposit for 18 months issued both in a bank branch and in PUMB-Online Internet banking," commented on the innovations Dmytro Polishchuk, director of FUIB retail products business department.


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