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FUIB Processing Center will provide services of PJSC "CB "ZEMELNYI CAPITAL"
26 October 2016
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Processing Сenter of the First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) has entered into an agreement on comprehensive cooperation with PJSC "COMMERCIAL BANK "ZEMELNYI CAPITAL".

In the framework of the agreement, the partnership with PJSC "CB "BANK ZEMELNYI CAPITAL" foresees the provision of services of FUIB Processing Center, Personalization Center, as well as FUIB's services as the sponsoring bank for PJSC" CB "BANK ZEMELNYI CAPITAL" to obtain the status of a participant of MasterCard Worldwide international payment system.

Today, FUIB Processing Center provides services to 24 partner banks, which are also members of the joint ATM network "Radius", and is one of the largest operators of services in the field of issuance and servicing of payment cards. The reliability and quality of services provided by the Processing Center has been repeatedly confirmed by the awards from Visa International and MasterCard Worldwide.


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