Fr om December 23, 2015 to February 03, 2016, First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) makes payments of the guaranteed amounts of deposits to clients of PJSC "Bank "Finance and Credit" – the individuals whose funds are recoverable by the Private Deposit Guarantee Fund. Payments are made at any working branch of First Ukrainian across the territory of Ukraine.
FUIB makes payments to depositors, whose registered place of residence at the time of entering into the bank deposit/account agreement with the JSC "BANK "FINANCE AND CREDIT" was one of the following: Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Luhansk, Sumy, Chernihiv regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.
For the comfort of depositors, who receive compensation from the Private Deposit Guarantee Fund, First Ukrainian launched an online registration on the website of the Bank, wh ere one can 24/7 appoint time for receiving the payment and sel ect the nearest branch of FUIB.
Payments will be made to depositors in the amount of the deposit, including the interest accrued as at the day the procedure of bank withdrawal from the market was launched by the Fund, but no more than 200 thousand hryvnia.
The following offers fr om FUIB are attractive for depositors of JSC "BANK "FINANCE AND CREDIT" – deposits "Profitable" and "Free" help to effectively dispose the deposited funds and receive additional income.
More information for depositors of PJSC "BANK "FINANCE AND CREDIT" about cash compensations can be found on a special webpage of the bank Банк ПУМБ попереджає про нову схему шахрайства у Telegram
- ПУМБ запускає застосунок, який дає змогу приймати безконтактні оплати через смартфон
- МаніБокс від ПУМБ – сервіс для накопичень, який можна поповнювати навіть з кредитки та карток інших банків
- Зустрічайте жовтневі пропозиції по кешбеку!
- Щодо встановлення лімітів НБУ на перекази на картку
- ПУМБ провів освітній вебінар на тему торговельного фінансування у рамках партнерства із Ukrainian CFO Forum
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