Payments are performed in any working branch of the First Ukrainian, including branches of “Renaissance Credit”, all over Ukraine.
On 17 June 2015 PJHSC “FUIB” starts paying guaranteed amounts of deposits to retail clients of the PJSC “Bank “Kyivska Rus” whose funds are subject to reimbursement by the Retail Deposit Guarantee Fund.
FUIB will pay to depositors who signed bank deposit/account agreements with the PJSC “Bank “Kyivska Rus” in the branches of this bank in Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Volyn, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.
Reimbursement of deposits will be made within the period from 17 June till 15 July 2015 inclusive in any working branch of the First Ukrainian, including branches of “Renaissance Credit”, all over Ukraine.
The payment of funds to depositors will be made under the agreements expired by 31 March 2015 inclusive and under the bank account agreements (current and card accounts). Payments to depositors will be made in the amount of deposit, including interest accrued on the day of beginning of the procedure of removal of the bank from the market by the Fund (20 March 2015), but up to UAH 200 thousand.
For depositors of the bank “Kyivska Rus” we developed deposit offers allowing the clients of the PJSC “Bank “Kyivska Rus” to manage their funds efficiently: deposits «Calm» and «Free».
You can learn more information for depositors of the PJSC “Kyivska Rus” on obtaining of monetary compensations at the special web-page of the bank
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