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Statement of Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center in connection with the tragedy in Mariupol and massive shelling of the last days
26 January 2015
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Hostilities have sharply escalated in the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions over the past two weeks. Donetsk, Avdiyivka, Shchastya, Pisky, Maryinka and many other human settlements have been massively shelled. The multi-million region lives in fear and horror.

The war not only destroys cities, businesses, infrastructure and residential buildings. The most terrible is that the war takes human lives! And these losses are irreplaceable.

According to the UN, during the last 9 days the war claimed the lives of more than 260 people in the Donbas. Hundreds of civilians were wounded. Hundreds became homeless. War takes parents from children, injures their bodies and souls.

January 24 became another tragic day in the calendar. Today, residential areas of Mariupol were shelled. According to the preliminary data, 27 people were killed, among them were 2 children. More than 90 people, including children, suffered wounds of varying severity. The injured continue to arrive at city hospitals.

The Humanitarian Center by the decision of Akhmetov supports all citizens of Mariupol who were injured in today's shelling. We keep operative communication with medical institutions of the city. All the necessary medicines are already delivered to the hospital where the wounded are brought. We will respond to all emerging needs promptly and round the clock. To help every countryman as much as possible and not to leave them alone with the tragedy is exactly the task that was set by Rinat Akhmetov while creating our Center. Nevertheless, we understand that even such assistance will not return the loved ones to the bereaved families, will not return health to seriously wounded. No help can return life without war to the entire generation.

Today's tragedy is another sighting shot in the future. We ask to stop, while there is still a chance. We invite and never stop urging each and everyone, on whom the peace in the Donbass depends, to exert maximum influence on the situation, to stop the bloodshed, to prevent further civilian casualties!

Humanitarian Center asks to report information on the wounded requiring assistance at the following hotline 0 800 509 001 or via email [email protected]

The Center works 24 hours a day.

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