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FUIB suspends its operations in the ATO zone
08 August 2014
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The First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) informs on suspension of financial transactions in the towns that are not controlled by Ukrainian authorities, according to the NBU Resolution No466 dated 6 August 2014.

Under this Resolution, FUIB suspends the operation of 30 branches in Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

«We responsibly perform our obligations and make all efforts to ensure customer servicing even in the "hottest" regions of Ukraine. However, the present situation makes the functioning of the bank impossible on the territory of the ATO. Therefore, FUIB suspends the operation of its branches in this region in compliance with the Ukrainian law", said Sergey Chernenko, the Chairman of the Board of FUIB. .

At the same time, on the territory controlled by Ukrainian authorities 8 FUIB branches continue their operations in the following towns: Artemovsk, Konstantinovka, Krasnoarmeisk, Kramatorsk, Svetlodarsk, Slaviansk, Soledar, Severodonetsk. 


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