First Ukrainian and “Star Club” congratulate women with a holiday of spring

First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) on the eve of International Women's Day, a holiday of spring and beauty, offers attractive discounts from numerous partners of “Star Club” loyalty program.
Cafes, restaurants, gas stations, hotels, shops of clothes and shoes, lingerie, products for beauty and health, jewelry, electronics, and mobile devices are the loyalty program partners. All owners of FUIB or “Renaissance Credit” payment cards receive nice discounts when buying.
Number of partners of “Star Club” loyalty program is constantly growing, and in February to it, including, joined partners with a network of retail outlets throughout Ukraine:
- Travel company “Poehali s nami”, 5% discount, website
- Travel company “Sonata-travel”, 3% discount, website
- Insurance company “Garant Auto”, 10% discount, website
Spring shopping and sunny mood!
Supplemental information
“Star Club” is the loyalty program in which participants receive instant discounts when paying for goods and services with the payment card. To participate in the program it is enough to have any payment card from First Ukrainian or “Renaissance Credit” bank. Discounts are available at retail outlets of the program partners where logotype «Star Club» is placed.
A complete list of partners can be found on the website
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