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MoneyGram money transfers are now available in all outlets of FUIB

10 July 2013
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Starting from 10th of July, 2013 the customers of First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) can enjoy the money transfer service from MoneyGram international system in all outlets of the Bank.

MoneyGram is a globally recognised leader in money transfers closely cooperating with 300 000 thoroughly chosen agents in 197 countries and regions of the world. Among its main advantages are: money transfer dispatch and payout either in USD or EUR, promptness of transfers – the transfer is available for payout anywhere all over the globe after several minutes from its dispatch, advantageous money transfer fees, special transfer fees for a number of popular transfer routes (CIS, Georgia, Israel, Baltic countries).

To send a transfer it is enough that the sender provides the name of the transfer recipient and the destination country, filling in the simple money transfer form. There is no need for the sender or the recipient to have an account with the Bank (except for where the law requires so).

Affordable transfer fees along with simplicity, convenience and promptness of the money transfer dispatch and receipt procedure are the main customer requirements at present. FUIB does its best to meet those requirements and to deliver the best quality service to its customers.


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