New Positioning of FUIB

This year, First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) is to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Over the years of the Bank’s history its team managed to achieve impressive results. Today, FUIB is among Ukraine’s TOP 10 banks by key financial performance results and continues growing. According to The Banker magazine, FUIB is among the TOP 1000 World Banks and among leaders by information transparency and innovativeness.
FUIB has 100% private Ukrainian capital; it is a part of SCM Group, the leading industrial and financial group in Ukraine. FUIB’s team is represented by almost 4000 FTEs. The Bank delivers services to Ukraine’s leading companies and about 1.5 million individuals.
FUIB has introduced its new positioning, “FUIB – First Ukrainian,” aimed at implementing its business strategy and securing its place among Ukraine’s TOP 5 financial institutions. Our goal is to be more than just a comfortable Bank, but an innovative, leading-edge and strong financial market participant, a Bank Ukraine can be proud of.
Introducing its new positioning, FUIB asserted itself as a banking system leader, customer-oriented, trustworthy and the leading-edge bank both in terms of products and processes, and customer service. Customer-oriented also means comfortable. Trustworthy means professional. Leading-edge means the First.
Konstantin Vaysman, Chairman of the FUIB’s Management Board:
“We continue building a financially sustainable bank, a bank with strong balance sheet structure, diversified loan and deposit portfolios, optimum cost to income ratio, and balanced geography. We aim at being flexible and modern, monitoring innovations in banking and enhancing customer service quality. We want to stand out fr om our peers through impressive customer service and service patterns and to be a strong competitor against major financial market participants. In order to implement successfully our strategy and enter Ukraine’s TOP 5 financial institutions, we should anticipate the market developments and make appropriate changes.”
Tatyana Chernenko, Head of the FUIB’s Strategic Marketing:
“We aim at being more approachable for our customers, on the same wavelength, which is why we build up the new brand philosophy. Already achieved successes and ambitious development plans, a clear understating of customer needs and our role in the banking system, support from leading Ukraine’s businesses, and social responsibility form our new image: FUIB – First Ukrainian.”
Together with its new positioning FUIB will introduce, without lim itation, a new improved format of its outlets, corporate style, marketing campaign, etc. We have already introduced the new customer service standard, customer relations (personal) managers, and special-purpose service areas. All these changes have been driven by customer needs. Thus, not only the Bank’s form changes, but also its content, which we expect our customers to appreciate in the near future.
Also you can watch our new promotional video on the FUIB’s official channel on You Tube.
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