FUIB allocates USD 1 million for development of Kyiv School of Economics and provision of scholarships

FUIB is strengthening its support for Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) University by providing USD 1 million grant for its development over 10 years.
FUIB has been the strategic partner of KSE since 2017, providing institutional support for the development of the university - its educational programs, teachers, talented students and new areas. The grant, provided in 2021, has 2 key areas: asset development and institutional support.
“We have been cooperating with KSE for 5 years now, because we see great potential in the university. Current time requires rapid change, constant improvement. And Kyiv School of Economics demonstrates flexibility and efficiency in the implementation of new teaching methods, the use of new technologies. KSE teaches creative and critical thinking, learning throughout life. Supporting modern quality education is the bank's investment in the future of Ukraine," said Serhiy Chernenko, FUIB's Chairman of the Board.
The first direction involves the arrangement of 3 educational and recreational areas: floor of business education, as well as 2 study and recreation areas for students and teachers in the new building of Kyiv School of Economics. A social and publicistic project will be implemented on the floor of business education: annual semi-annual exhibition of business trends, which codifies the synergy of academic approach and market knowledge.
Institutional support includes the allocation of funds to cover discounts on tuition at the bachelor's programs of Kyiv School of Economics.
"Thanks to the partnership between FUIB and KSE, more than 20 students received a grant "Talents from regions" and the opportunity to study for free at the international level. Another 10 students received discounts on the new KSE bachelor's program. This year we are opening a new page in our relationship, which will be for the benefit even of more students and teachers. We are grateful to FUIB for its systematic approach and faith in change through education,” said Tymofiy Milovanov, President of Kyiv School of Economics.
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