FUIB EXPRESS Branches in Okhtyrka and Novograd-Volynsky opened for clients
On November 11, the doors of two new express branches were opened for the clients of the First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB):
Branch №1 FUIB Express in Novograd-Volynsky
Branch №1 FUIB Express in Okhtyrka
In the new Express branches, FUIB's clients will be able to get loans, make deposits, open debit accounts. The branch provides round-the-clock access to an ATM, as well as a terminal and a "PUMB Online" stand, so that clients can perform all operations on their own.
Branches are located at:
11707, Zhytomyr region, Novograd-Volynskyi, street Shevchenko, 51;
42700, Sumy region, Okhtyrka, street Shevchenka, 3a.
Working hours of the new branches:
Mon-Fri: 09: 00-18: 00, without a break
Saturday: 09: 00-14: 00
Sunday: closed
Technical break: Mon-Fri: 13: 00-13: 15
Sat - without a break
Cash service is not provided
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