The ability to manage personal finances is the key to a young person's financial freedom and independence. In the new educational series on Diya.Digital Education, a blogger experiments with listeners, shares experiences and learns new things about finances.
The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in partnership with the National Bank of Ukraine and FUIB has launched the Financial Sensei educational series.
You can watch the educational series for free on the Diya.Digital Education portal.
It consists of 8 episodes lasting 5-10 minutes. Actor Dmytro Muzyka took part in the educational series.
Financial Sensei considers important real life situations: how to plan a budget and accumulate, save money and gather for the dream thing, how to use the credit limit and not to pay interest, how to save own money from cyber fraudsters and manage own money online anywhere in the world and many other interesting banking insights.
During the presentation of the educational series, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Valeria Ionan stressed that the portal Diya.Digital Education already has several educational series on financial literacy.
“The peculiarity of the new educational series about finance is the youth format which combines learning and entertainment, and useful information and advice are “packaged” in an attractive wrapper for young audiences,” said Valeria Ionan.
Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Oleksiy Shaban noted that the focus on improving the level of financial literacy of young people is important for the National Bank. After all, the level of financial literacy in Ukraine is the lowest among European countries, and the least financially literate are young people aged 18 to 24.
“The new series is designed to help young people understand how to properly manage their finances, how to protect themselves from payment fraud, effectively use and earn on banking products,” said Oleksiy Shaban, adding that work is underway to introduce financial literacy in schools, and also to create the Financial Literacy Strategy until 2025, which the NBU is developing jointly with other government agencies, including the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Education and Science.
Serhiy Chernenko, FUIB's Chairman of the Board, said the following: “In the series, we talk about the basic things for a young person simply, clearly and frankly. "Financial Sensei" communicates with young people in a language familiar to them, with humor, in a convenient format of blogging. Our goal is to help young Ukrainians change their financial behavior and life for the better.”
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