FUIB is in the TOP-15 best employers in Ukraine according to Forbes

FUIB entered the "50 best employers in Ukraine" ranking according to Forbes Ukraine, taking 13th place in the list. Among the 10 banks that competed for the highest places in the rating, FUIB took the second place.
The corresponding ranking was published in the January issue of Forbes. The rating includes companies with a turnover of more than UAH 4 billion, and the number of their employees exceeds 1 thousand. The publication interviewed more than 11,000 employees of 150 major Ukrainian companies. Also for the ranking used the assessments of labor market experts on various aspects and information from open sources on financial data for 2019.
Employees and independent experts praised the working conditions and adaptation of business processes to the coronavirus crisis, which allowed FUIB to score 82 points out of 100 possible. The bank was also highly rated according to information from external sources.
“FUIB has almost 8,500 employees. With the beginning of quarantine, most of them switched to remote work. We do not plan to return to the previous schedule. Employees are likely to spend only half of their time in the office,” commented Tetiana Kostiuchenko, Director of FUIB's Personnel Department. She added that some FUIB offices are already being transformed: "We will equip workplaces in the hot desking format, when the employee is not assigned a specific free table. More co-working spaces and zoom-zones will be equipped. Due to the epidemic, in addition to health insurance, which was already part of the social package, the bank covers testing for COVID-19 and pays significant financial assistance to employees who were hospitalized with severe form of the disease".
The Bank not only provides all social guarantees provided by the legislation of Ukraine, but also conducts training, implements initiatives aimed at improving the corporate climate and cooperation. FUIB has almost 50 motivational programs. In 2019, the bank invested over UAH 29 million in employee training, and UAH 7.1 million in labor protection and safety.
The biggest groups of companies in the list of the best employers in the country are banks - 10 - and IT companies -7. According to Forbes journalists, due to the high corporate culture and decent remuneration, employees of the banking and IT industries are more often satisfied with their work.
"This ranking gives us reason to talk about the growth of the prestige of work in the financial sector because of changes in patterns of work, place of work and the introduction of the latest financial technologies in banks. It eloquently illustrates that the banking industry, like IT, sets a high bar for employers. FUIB has been praised as a great modern employer, but we want not only to maintain our position, but to become an even better employer for our people. That is because our bank puts an employee in the basic triangle of business goals, together with the client and profit,” Tetiana Kostiuchenko said.
Evaluation methodology. The rating was based on 8 evaluation criteria: employee loyalty (25%); level of remuneration (20%); workplace and work schedule (20%); information openness (10%); availability and composition of the social package (5%); development opportunities in the company (5%); protection during coronavirus crisis (5%) and other factors (10%).
The maximum score corresponds to the index of loyalty to the company of employees (over 80%) and the average expert assessment of applicants to consider companies' proposals for employment of at least 9.0 on a 10-point scale.
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