Choose a convenient way to receive transaction notifications!

First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) ensured that clients could choose a convenient way to obtain transaction information.
Those customers who already use the PUMB Online mobile application can activate push notifications and receive transaction notifications directly in the mobile application. Also for the convenience of customers, all transactions are now displayed in the PUMB Online mobile application in the "Messages" section. Time, amount of the transaction, account number, balance and the type of transaction - payment, transfer, replenishment, etc. - are displayed there. The mobile application displays all transactions, regardless of the amount. To receive messages, you need to download the free PUMB Online mobile application and activate push messages.
You can also receive notifications on all transactions in FUIB's Viber-banking. In order to start using FUIB's Viber Banking, you must first log in to a public FUIB account (which is available on the Public Accounts tab) and open a chat window. The user will then be offered to configure the receipt of transaction messages in the messenger.
In addition, there is a classic way to notify on completed transactions over SMS. Please note that from August 1, 2020, SMS messages will be received:
- on transactions in the amount of over 150 UAH for owners of FUIB salary and social packages
- on transactions of over 1,000 UAH to debit card holders (not for social payments and salaries)
Therefore, those customers who make many transactions within 1,000 UAH, and who want to see the entire history of transactions, it is recommended to connect push-messages or set up FUIB Viber-banking.
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