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First regional conference of the all-Ukrainian competition "My career in Ukraine"

21 February 2020
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CSR Development Center and Career Hub in partnership with the First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB), the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Ukraine held the first regional conference of My Career in Ukraine Competition for students of 10th grades of secondary schools of Ukraine.

My Career in Ukraine is an all-Ukrainian project that provides opportunities for self-realization of youth in Ukraine, inspires professional development and creates a platform for passing on the experience of successful people to the young generation.

In 2020, we received around 1,000 essays from tenth-graders about their future profession. The authors of 360 best works will participate in six regional meetings, and 60 most active of them were invited to take part in the All-Ukrainian Conference in Kyiv, where the tenth-graders will meet famous people and discuss their future professions.

At the first My Career in Ukraine Regional Conference, 60 authors of the best essays from Kyiv, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia and Cherkasy regions met top managers of national companies and received tips on how to become successful in Ukraine. 

Maryna Saprykina, head of the Center for the Development of Corporate Social Responsibility, noted: “For the fifth consecutive year, My Career in Ukraine project gives tenth-graders the opportunity to express their views on the professional future and meet top executives of companies. This is a chance to gain real life experience in order to bring your career plans to life.”

This year, the TOP-5 professions included: doctor, journalist, teacher, programmer and lawyer.

In the panel discussion "Life Hacks from Top Managers: How to Build a Successful Career", tenth-graders received recommendations from top speakers which will help them choose and build careers.

Ihor Padalka, Head of FUIB's Regional Center in Kyiv, advised to learn how to use challenges: “Do not be afraid of challenges! Many people change their jobs when facing the first difficulties. Do not run away from difficulties, but overcome them. Then you will become stronger!”

Nataliya Bohuta, Editor of the Finance Department of the MONEY magazine, emphasized the importance of mobility: "Remember, you can always change your career path. There is nothing wrong when your career priorities change after you enter university. The world is changing, the professions especially. So you should not be afraid of change, it is better to go side-by-side with them."

Ihor Katsytadze, a doctor working for UNICEF, focused on motivation: "Believe in your strength, follow your dreams and evaluate trends, and, of course, learn foreign languages."

Viktoriya Zosym, CEO and digital technology expert at TezTour Ukraine, co-founder of marketing agency DVZN advised to be true to own beliefs: “Career advancement is both a job and a game, so it is important that it is fun to play, otherwise the job itself will be a burden. Do not betray yourself and your principles, and remember: "I did not lose until I gave up".

During the conference, the participants took part in the Bank of the Future game, through which they got acquainted with the trends of the future. The teenagers also visited a FUIB branch on Khreschatyk and looked into the bank in the phone.


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