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FUIB issued a card in Polish zloty

13 November 2019
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Since the beginning of November, First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) invites clients to establish settlement accounts in Polish zloty. Two debit cards "vseKARTY" of the MC World debit or VISA Rewards types (embossed and unembossed or two embossed cards) are issued to the client's account for free.

The card is ideal for Ukrainians who often travel to Poland or have relatives who work or study there. For example, parents whose child is studying in Poland can open an account in PLN, leave one card for themselves, and give the other to their child. Both cardholders will have access to the funds in the account. To control expenditures, parents can set a monthly limit on the use of funds for each card. The limit can be changed at any time directly in PUMB Online banking. Instead, the parents will be assured that their child will always have access to money.

"We have issued the "vseKARTA" in zloty specifically for our clients whose children study abroad, in particular in Poland. If you pay by card, there is no transaction or converting fee. If you withdraw cash, the commission will be minimal. I am a dad myself, so I understand perfectly well that for parents whose children are studying away from home and in another country, “vseKARTA” is much more than a payment tool. It is a way to take care of your child, even if the child is far away," commented Dmytro Polishchuk, Director of FUIB retail business products department.

Cash withdrawal at an ATM abroad will cost 1.5% + 4USD equivalent. It is also possible to withdraw money from “vseKARTA” at Ukrainian ATMs – the client will receive the amount in UAH equivalent. The service is free of charge at all ATMs of Ukraine. 

The zloty card kept all the benefits of "vseKARTA": You can replenish your card online or at the bank's cash desk. Receiving funds through the cash desk is possible no more than twice a month with a total amount of 500 thousand UAH in equivalent and also without a commission. The commission for withdrawals over half a million in equivalent or withdrawals at other banks' cash desks is only 1.5% of the amount. There is no commission for issuing and servicing the card.

For the Black Platinum and Premier premium packages of the new line, it is also possible to open a currency account in PLN.

You can buy or exchange Polish zloty to hryvnia at all FUIB's branches.   







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