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FUIB is the leader in terms of the number of awards at FinAwards 2019

16 May 2019
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FinAwards 2019 – the annual ceremony at which banks are awarded for special achievements – was held on May 15.

Representatives of 28 retail banks – top managers, managers of retail business and marketing – were competing in 15 nominations.

The head of FUIB's Board of Directors, Serhiy Chernenko, was named the best banker of the year according to FinAwards 2019. Sebastian Rubai, FUIB's Deputy Chairman of the Board of Retail Business, became one of the TOP-3 best retail bankers.

FUIB has won three gold, one silver, and three bronze award according to FinAwards 2019.


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"It is nice that the market recognized the high result of our joint work. We really change and improve our products and services. It is the purposeful and hard work of our team of professionals that has become the key to bank's success and clients' trust," commented Serhiy Chernenko, FUIB's chairman of the board.


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