Tenth-graders from Kyiv, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia and Cherkasy regions visited the regional conference “My Career in Ukraine”

On March 15, in Kyiv, the Center for Development of CSR and Career Hub, with the support of FUIB, held the first meeting with 50 finalists of the essay competition for tenth-graders –“My future profession: planning and development.”
The competition was held within the framework of the project “My Career in Ukraine”, the goal of which is to show the young generation a possible career development path and to inspire adolescents to consciously choose their future profession. Odnoklasnyk magazine and portal ZNOUA are information partners.
This year, 1,214 essays from tenth-graders from various regions of Ukraine were submitted as part of the competition. The most common professions among teenagers were: journalist, doctor, lawyer, teacher, architect, IT specialist, designer and economist; the revelation of this year was made by future beekeepers, female military and turners, male fashion designers and stylists.
Tenth-graders from Kyiv, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia and Cherkasy regions participated in the first of five regional meetings. The teenagers told about their future professions, and also talked during the discussion “Life-hacks from the tops: how to build a successful career” with speakers who are professionals in their field: Ihor Padalka, manager of the regional center of FUIB in Kyiv, Anna Kiriy, architect and founder of the “Anna Kiriy's Architect-design Group,” Valery Seroshtan, director of business development at RENOME-SMART, Nataliia Bohuta, editor of Dengi magazine, and Oleksander Lysytsia, head of the bone-marrow transplantation department at the Okhmatdyt children's hospital.
Ihor Padalka, manager of the Kyiv RC, called on teenagers to love their profession and to become the best in it: “The Darwin law works in the field of employment – those who do something better than anyone else are hired. Therefore, try to constantly improve and acquire new skills necessary for your profession. Do not be afraid of problems. Many people change jobs when they encounter the first difficulties. However, your task is not to run away from them, but to overcome them. Do not rely on prestige. Think about what you want to do.”
Based on personal life experience, all invited speakers recommended that young people constantly evolve, stay free from patterns, think critically, change quickly, if they gain experience in other countries, then build a career in Ukraine, where today there are many opportunities for self-realization.
After the event, the teenagers visited the best-in-class branch of FUIB on Khreshchatyk, where they got acquainted with the bank and its products, new technologies and opportunities, and the future of the banking system.
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