Get deposits at FUIB on favorable terms

First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) increased interest rates on deposits in UAH. Their maximum yield is now up to 16% per annum in UAH. These conditions apply to the "Dohidniy" deposit.
The yield at the level of up to 16% per annum is a really profitable offer. It should be noted that the average interest rate on annual deposits in UAH (according to the Ukrainian Index of Retail Deposit Rates (UIRD) reported by the National Bank of Ukraine) is currently 14.71%.
"The question of choosing instruments for the preservation of investments does not lose topicality. Deposits are a profitable and easy way to save and multiply savings, which also does not require additional knowledge in the field of finance. Ukrainians are actively considering favorable options, but, at the same time, the interest rate is a secondary factor affecting the choice of a bank in which one gets a deposit issued. Reliability is the most important factor. FUIB offers rates that are slightly above the average market ones and guarantees preservation of money. Indeed, profitable terms multiplied by the bank's reliability and stability make the "Dohidniy" deposit one of the best offers on the market," commented Sebastian Rubai, FUIB's Deputy Chairman of the Board of Retail Business.
The minimum deposit amount in case of the "Dohidniy" deposit is 500* UAH. It is important that customers may choose a deposit period (from 1 to 18 months*), as well as the interest payment period - either monthly or as a single payment at the end of the term.
In addition, it should be noted that you can get the deposit set up both at a bank branch and via PUMB online Internet banking. When getting a deposit on their own via PUMB online Internet banking, clients are guaranteed to receive a bonus of + 0.3% per annum in addition to standard rates.
You can familiarize yourself with the detailed terms of the "Dohidniy" deposit and get it set up on the website.
As at September 1 of this year, already more than 53.8 thousand Ukrainians entrusted their savings for the total amount of 11.8 billion UAH to FUIB. In general, FUIB ranked 7th among all Ukrainian banks in terms of funds attracted in 2017. Such a high level of trust is explained by several factors. First of fall, FUIB is the largest Ukrainian bank with private Ukrainian capital, which has been successfully operating on the Ukrainian market for 27 years. All our clients who have ever entrusted their money to the bank received them back in accordance with the terms of their agreements. In addition to that, since FUIB is a member of the Private Deposit Guarantee Fund, the bank paid 5.5 billion UAH to depositors of insolvent banks, of which 1.5 billion was paid in 2017. Depositors of insolvent banks deposited with FUIB 30% of the funds received through our bank. Bank's reliability is also confirmed by external auditors. In September, the independent "Credit-Rating" agency confirmed the deposits reliability ratings of the bank at the level of "5" (the highest reliability).
* the terms will come into force on October 01, 2018
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