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FUIB's net profit for the first half of 2018 amounted to over 1 billion UAH

01 August 2018
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First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) earned 1 billion UAH of net profit in the first half of 2018, which is almost twice the net profit in 2017.

According to the results of the first half of 2018, bank's operating income amounted to 2.9 billion UAH. Compared to the same period last year, net interest income before provisions increased by 28 billion UAH. According to the results of the first half of 2018, net commission income amounted to 765 million UAH.

Bank's equity amounted to 5.7 billion UAH.

FUIB's assets increased to al%, and the figure reached 1.9most 53 billion UAH. According to the results of the second quarter of 2018, FUIB's liabilities increased by 6%, amounting to 47 billion UAH. Since the beginning of the year, customer funds have increased by almost 19% and amounted to 44.2 billion UAH.

As at June 30, 2018, bank's loan portfolio amounted to 31.2 billion UAH, of which 9.0 billion UAH are loans given to individuals. Consumer lending remains the leading area - 5.7 billion UAH or 63% of the portfolio.

FUIB continues to increase the level of capital adequacy. As at the end of the second quarter, this figure reached 17.19%.

You can read the full version of the report on the website.



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