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FUIB opened a "branch" in the city of professions "Kidlandia"

02 June 2018
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First Ukrainian International Bank opened "FUIB Bank" gaming station in the city of professions Kidlandia in Kyiv's RC Blockbuster. 

Children aged 4-14 will be able to try themselves as a bank manager, a cashier and a cash-in-transit courier. In a simple form with the help of cartoon characters, children will find out why a bank is needed and what are its main advantages and products. Each child will be able to open an account in the bank, to earn local currency and - after collecting funds - to open a deposit.

Jaroslav Humenyuk, Marketing Director of FUIB, said: "Congratulations to small Ukrainians on Children's Day. We wish you a bright and unforgettable summer. FUIB in Kidlandia will help children learn more about the bank and its products, master banking professions, learn how to earn and accumulate money.  FUIB in Kidlandia is exciting and informative".

"FUIB Bank" gaming station will operate in the Kidlandia city of professions throughout the year. 


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