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Limits for clients who are private persons on conducting operations using a payment card or bank-card data

15 August 2017
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In order to provide security measures during the use of your payment card and to protect against financial losses that may be related to the fraudulent use of a payment card or its data, PJSC FUIB has imposed limits for clients who are private persons on transactions with payment cards issued by PJSC FUIB or their data, including in the system «PUMB Online». Clients can withdraw cash in an amount that exceeds the limit set by the Bank for cash withdrawal at ATMs of PJSC FUIB, at the cash desks of the Bank's branches.

You can increase the limit set for conducting transactions with your payment card or its data by contacting the Bank's branch or the Customer Service Center at +38 044 290 7 290 (according to your operator's tariffs), or at 490 – for calls from mobile phones at tariffs of mobile operators.

For more information on limits, see the link.


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