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Announcement about the new version of the Rules of opening and servicing current accounts of legal entities and self-employed persons at PJSC "FUIB"
05 December 2016
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Dear customers, on 28.11.2016, the new version of the Rules of opening and servicing current accounts of legal entities and self-employed persons at PJSC "FUIB" enters into force.

The rules were published on the website of the Bank on 28.11.2016, and shall enter into force on 28.11.2016.

The new version of the Regulations specify the information on the termination of interest accrual on the contract on the day of the initiation of the procedure of withdrawal of a bank from the market by Private Deposit Guarantee Fund.

You can view the tariffs and the new version of the Regulation under the link.

In case you have additional questions, please contact a branch of FUIB (the list of bank's branches is available under the link or call the Small and Medium-Sized Business Customers Support Line:

0 800 501 275 (from 9.00 to 18.00, free for calls from land-line and mobile phones within Ukraine)


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