Buy on credit from FUIB in the partner stores, and win a loan repayment for 2,017 UAH!

From 14 November 2016 to 8 January 2017, take out a loan from FUIB bank for any product in the partner stores and networks and take part in a weekly draw of the loan repayment in the amount of 2,017 UAH. Each week, the bank will carry out a draw of four such repayments. Everyone has a chance to win!
In order to participate in the promotion, clients need to take out a loan for any product in FUIB's partner stores and networks. The manager who registers this purchase on credit will immediately register the client for participation in the promotion.
The draws are carried out every week on Thursday among all the loan agreements registered last week. Draws are held by random selection on The winner will be contacted by the promotion execution agency. Dates of the draws: 24 November 2016; 1 December 2016; 8 December 2016; 15 December 2016; 22 December 2016; 29 December; 5 January 2017; 12 January 2017. Learn more in the Promotion Rules.
Enjoy your shopping with FUIB!
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