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FUIB begins the disbursement of funds to depositors of the bank "Fidobank"

22 July 2016
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Starting with 22 July 2016, PJSC "First Ukrainian International Bank" (FUIB) begins to disburse the guaranteed amounts of deposits to the customers of PJSC "Fidobank", that is, to individuals whose funds are subject to compensation by the Private Deposit Guarantee Fund.

FUIB disburses funds to depositors who, when concluding bank deposit/account agreement with PJSC "Fidobank", indicated place of residence registration in the following regions: Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Donetsk, Luhansk regions, AR Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as depositors who are non-residents.

Total amount of payments for the specified regions amounts to 455 million UAH.

Disbursement of funds to depositors will be made in the amount of the deposit, including interest accrued as at the beginning of the procedure for bank's withdrawal from the market by the Fund (20 May 2016), but not more than 200 thousand hryvnia.

Disbursement of funds is performed at any operating branch of the FUIB in the entire territory of Ukraine from 22 July 2016 to 02 September 2016 inclusive.

Deposit programs have been developed for depositors of the PJSC "Fidobank" which allow one to effectively dispose of funds, that is, deposits "Profitable" and "Free".

You can find more information for depositors of PJSC "Fidobank" regarding the obtainment of monetary compensations by calling 044-496-88-61, as well as on a special bank page


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