FUIB continues to disburse funds to depositors of JSC "Bank "Finance and Credit"
Starting with March 03, 2016, FUIB continues to disburse the guaranteed amounts of deposits to the customers of the bank "Finance and Credit", that is, to individuals whose funds are subject to compensation by the Private Deposit Guarantee Fund. Payments are made fr om March 03, 2016 to April 13, 2016, inclusive, in any operating branch of FUIB throughout Ukraine.
For the comfort of depositors who receive compensation from the PDGF, FUIB has launched online registration on the website of the bank http://pumb.ua/ua/fgv/, wh ere one can 24/7 book time for the receipt of payment and sel ect the nearest FUIB branch.
Disbursement of funds to depositors will be made in the amount of the deposit, including interest accrued as at the date of the start of the procedure of bank’s withdrawal fr om the market by the Fund, but no more than 200 thousand hryvnia.
We remind that more than 30% of the disbursed funds have already been placed on deposits at FUIB by depositors of the bank "Finance and Credit". Furthermore, the most popular deposits include the term deposit "Profitable" (85%) and deposit "Free" (10%) without restrictions on access to the funds.
You can find more information for depositors of the bank "Finances and Credit" regarding the obtainment of monetary compensations on a special bank webpage http://pumb.ua/en/finansi-the-credit/.
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