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FUIB is No.6 by volume of individual customer accounts
29 July 2015
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During the first half of 2015 First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) has improved its position in the banking market by several criteria. Thus, FUIB climbed one position up in terms of individual customer accounts and now is No.6 among the top 10 largest banks of Ukraine. This was due to 2.2% increase in individual customer accounts, which volume amounted 12.9 billion. UAH. at 30.06.2015.

"The first half of this year was difficult for all the banks. People’s panic led to a sharp outflow of funds from the banking system, including FUIB. We understood our customers, and therefore paid out their deposits on demand, didn’t stop payments even for a moment. Today, we are proud to state that customers return the money to our bank. Moreover, 90% of our clients reallocating their deposits in FUIB ", said Sergey Chernenko, CEO of FUIB.


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