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Notification of Changes in Retail banking Tariffs of the First Ukrainian

29 May 2015
Отримати на e-mail {metatitle} - банк ПУМБ

Dear customers, as of June 25, 2015 changes in retail banking tariffs of the First Ukrainian shall come into force.

For more information about the new edition of retail banking tariffs of the First Ukrainian please use this link.

If you disagree with the proposed changes in retail banking tariffs of the First Ukrainian, before the date when amendments come into force you have the right to terminate the agreement without paying additional fees for its dissolution as stipulated in paragraph. 2.3.5. Section I. Agreement of all-inclusive retail banking services.

For more questions, please contact the staff of "FUIB" PJSC (a list of offices can be found by this link) or Customer Service Centre by calling:

  • 0800500490 24/7 and free of charge within Ukraine from stationary and mobile phones,
  • +380623324900 - for international calls,
  • 490 - according to the tariffs of mobile operators.

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