FUIB Announces Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

We inform you of an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY "FIRST UKRAINIAN INTERNATIONAL BANK" (hereinafter - the Bank).
The meeting will be held on April 20, 2015 at the location of the Bank (on the premises of Kyiv Head Office of the Bank): 04070, Kyiv, 4 Andriyivska St. (conference room, 5th floor, office 507).
The beginning of the meeting is at 11:00.
Registration of shareholders (their representatives) will be carried out on April 20, 2015 from 10:30 to 10:55 at the meeting venue.
The list of shareholders entitled to participate in the Bank Meeting will be compiled as of 24:00, April 14, 2015.
- Election of the Secretary and Counting commission of the Meeting.
- About the approval of annual operating results (annual report) of the Bank (including its subsidiaries) for 2014.
- About the approval of the activities according to the results of the external audit conclusion regarding the annual operating results (annual report) of the Bank (including its subsidiaries) for 2014.
- Report and conclusions of the Audit Commission of the Bank with regard to annual operating results (annual report) of the Bank for 2014 and decision making based on the results of their examination.
- Report and conclusions of the Management Board on the results of financial and economic activities of the Bank for 2014 and decision making based on the results of their examination.
- Report of the Supervisory Board of the Bank for 2014 and decision making based on the results of its examination.
- On the allocation of Bank's profit for 2014.
In order to participate in the meeting you must have the following documents with you:
- For shareholders – a passport or other identity document, as well as documents confirming the authority of the legal entity - shareholder of the Bank
- For shareholders' representatives - a passport or other identity document, and a power of attorney for participation and voting at the Meeting, which was notarized according to the current legislation of Ukraine
Shareholders can familiarize themselves with the documents on the meeting agenda at the location of the Bank (on the premises of Kiev Head Office of the Bank): 04070, Kyiv, 4 Andriyivska St. on working days from 9:00 to 18:00.
For inquiries, call (044) 231-71-99 (internal 8292). Contact person: Hetman A.D.
Key indicators of financial and economic activity of PJSC "FUIB" (thousand UAH) *
Indicator name |
Period | |
reporting (2014) |
previous (2013) | |
Total assets |
36,490,623 |
31,864,033 |
Fixed assets |
1,485,417 |
1,329,585 |
Long-term financial investments |
295,051 |
295,051 |
Reserves |
228,234 |
225,255 |
Total receivables |
157,942 |
282,589 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
4,304,942 |
4,227,709 |
Retained profit |
1,525,566 |
1,456,201 |
Equity |
5,704,041 |
5,542,076 |
Charter capital |
3,427,350 |
3,427,350 |
Long-term liabilities |
4,618,384 |
1,204,599 |
Current liabilities |
26,158,554 |
25,146,591 |
Net profit (loss) |
55,042 |
509,745 |
Average annual number of shares (pcs.) |
14,323,880 |
14,323,880 |
Number of of own shares bought out during the period (pcs.) |
- |
- |
Total amount of funds spent on buying out own shares during the period |
- |
- |
Number of employees at end of the period (persons) |
3,493 |
4094 |
* Warning: the above information for 2014 is given based on the preliminary data; it is not final and can be adjusted, in particular, according to the completion results of Bank's financial audit. By this, the Supervisory Board of the Bank draws attention to the possible inconsistency of the above information with the final figures that can be determined/adjusted after the implementation of this message.
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