Stefan Guglieri, the executive director of the First Ukrainian International Bank, decided to leave his post. In turn, the Supervisory Board of FUIB decided to terminate the powers of Stefan Guglieri as a member of the Board of the bank and to remove him from the Management Board.
Stefan Guglieri will continue to cooperate with the FUIB as a consultant on the development of retail business. Despite the fact that the format of Mr. Guglieri’s presence in FUIB changes, he stays in the bank.
Stefan Guglieri joined FUIB’s team in April 2012, taking the post of executive director and member of the Board in charge of the retail business. At the same time, Stefan was the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JSC “Renaissance Capital Bank”.
Management Board of FUIB thanks Stefan Guglieri for his significant contribution to the achievements of FUIB’s Banking Group. Retail team headed by Stephen Guglieri implemented a number of momentous projects for the bank in 2013.
Thanks to the already established basis, First Ukrainian International Bank will continue the development of retail business to become a bank of first choice for customers – a financial advisor and assistant who understands customers’ needs, predicts their requirements and offers effective solutions.
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