Special offer for customers of FUIB – Loyal deposit

First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) announces the launch of its special offer – Loyal deposit product.
This offer is for former depositors of FUIB who terminated early their time deposit from 1 December 2013 to 15 April 2014 with the deposit interest recalculation.
Those depositors of FUIB, if arrange the new Loyal deposit, will get compensated the interest lost when terminating early the former deposit, in the form of the bonus rate of +1.5% in hryvnias and +0.8% in foreign currencies to the standard deposit interest rates.
Loyal is a time deposit with a wide range of currencies and durations: 1,3,6,9,12,18 months. Minimum deposit amount is 500 hryvnias: 100 dollars or 100 euros.
With Loyal deposit, you will receive the annual profitability of up to 22.5% in hryvnias, up to 11.6% in dollars and up to 10.7% in euros.
Loyal deposit offer is available only until 31 May 2014.
One can open this deposit at any of 160 outlets of FUIB.
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